fredag 23. mai 2008

Mika goes analog

I borrowed my friends camera, a freakin russian lomo
isnt that just incredible, sweet, hot, awsome, cool? hah, i know
it is!

i wanna go out and take lomopics
wanna come?

my lomo idols
Peter Espevoll, my friend
and Ghostkamera/ben - the guy who shots for Serena Maneesh and stuff

Damn, you know that Lomo got different colour filters?
im in love with LOMO

(jeeezzzze, i feel like a geek and i kind of like it)

Gonna borrow my grandpa's LEICA (a German camera manufacturer) next week!
I dig analog.

I usually use my Canon digital
havent forgot about you baby
just checking out your photofamily


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